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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Help Quit Smoking

Kicking the smoking habit is not at all easy, in fact it is said to be easier to kick the cocaine or heroin habit. So help quit smoking is something the smoker wishing to stop may need in his efforts to quit. This is because nicotine, the active drug found in tobacco is highly addictive and the smoker becomes physically and emotionally dependent on it through repeated and persistent use of cigarettes.
1. It all begins with your making a positive decision that you want to stop smoking. Set a date and keep to it.
2. Enlist the support of your family, friends, co-workers and your doctor. Basically let them know of your intentions just to keep them aware especially because you may become cranky and irritable in the initial days of quitting.
3. Enroll in a 
smoking cessation program. Hospitals, health clinics, community centers and even some employers offer this facility. Support groups such as Nicotine Anonymous have been known to give very valuable help to many. Go along and get help quit smoking.
4. Get advice from the doctor on 
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). In case he finds that you need to stop cravings and the withdrawal effects of stopping he may recommend the use of NRT gum, patches or sprays. In case the withdrawals are more severe and because of such conditions as depression he may put you on prescription medicine such as Bupropion or Chantix.
5. Some people have used methods such as hypnosis and acupuncture and it has worked successfully for them. These might be worth investigating.
6. It helps a lot to stay away from smokers, smoke-filled rooms such as bars and events where smoking is all around you. Even in your house, remove things like ash-trays, lighters, matches etc permanently.
7. Stay focused and determined, remember the more days you put in, the easier it is going to be to stay stopped.
Take heart, many have quit successfully.
Find help quit smoking, no matter how old you are stopping it can help you live longer and be healthier. Ex- smokers enjoy a higher quality of life with fewer diseases, and this, you too can enjoy.

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