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Friday 13 January 2012

Quit Smoking Support – 5 Steps To Quit

If you have decided to stop smoking, congratulations! You have made a good decision. One of the things you will find useful and available is to get quit smoking support. It definitely increases your chances of stopping.
The smoker is increasingly discriminated against and so put under immense pressure to quit. But more than that, health risks, smoking diseases and resultant deaths to the smoker and those around him are adding to this pressure to quit.
Many smokers want to kick the habit and have found that cessation of smoking is not easy. Not only did it take time to get hooked, but nicotine, the active drug in tobacco is very addictive and the user has become dependent on it physically and psychologically. But take heart, many have tried quitting and succeeded, so can you.

Here are some steps to take in getting quit smoking support:

1. Be of maximum help to yourself by being very clear that you want to quit and the exact date on which you have set to stop. WRITE down your reasons, pro and con, why you choose to stop and keep these repeatedly fresh in your mind. You know best what is best for you and this will carry you through. Be determined.

2. Get the support of family, friends and workmates. It is important that these people who are closest to you are aware of your plan. Let then know.

3. Consult with your doctor in case you could use some stop smoking aid like Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) as found in gum, patches or even medications. These may be necessary to deal with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

4. Many other qualified professionals also offer quit smoking program and it is OK to use them. Psychologists or counsellors can offer sound advice or even therapy if needed.

5. Join a support group of other smokers trying to quit or ex-smokers who are trying to stay stopped. For example Nicotine Anonymous and several other which are available even on-line.
Finally it is also OK to use any of the above in combination as you seek your
quit smoking support.
AND have no doubt, you will succeed.

1 comment:

Electronic Cigarette said...

I like the step # 2 because they are the most important and the nearest person that you love and ask them what's your plan about quitting smoke because they can give you a positive advice as well.

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