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Friday 13 January 2012

Stop Smoking Now

Did you know that your health does not get any better if you keep smoking? That your health actually does get better by stopping? Did you know that smoking is out of style?
Stop smoking now!

Smokers have a higher and increased risk of lung cancer, lung diseases, heart attacks and other heart diseases, hypertension, stroke, oral cancer of the bladder, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, complications in pregnancy and child birth the list is long.
Smoking is the largest preventable cause of death in America and yet this is a trend that is completely reversible if you would stop smoking now. Making the decision to stop is not easy, it is even harder to carry through with it, but it can be done and many smokers are today successfully ex-smokers and live healthy smoke-free lives.

Stop ‘Cold Turkey’.

Once you have make the crucial decision, you may find that stopping ‘cold turkey’ is best for you. It takes a lot of willpower and strength but most probably this is the best method as opposed to tapering off. The benefits are immediate and the cravings and withdrawal symptoms get less severe with every day that passes smoke-free.
Nicotine is the addictive drug in cigarettes that is the cause of all the trouble mainly because the smoker becomes physically, emotionally and psychologically dependent upon it. The good news is that after 24 hours of not smoking the body is rid of nicotine and only another puff can set off that awful cycle in motion again.
If any craving occurs it only lasts about 5minutes at most and as long as you don’t act on it you get to a point where even the craving disappears for good.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
If going cold turkey is a little difficult, you can still stop smoking now. See your health provider on the possibility of using some 
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).They help by weaning you off gradually by reducing the strength of the patch and hopefully after about 12 weeks you get off the therapy completely. These have been found useful to alleviate the withdrawal effects and cravings sometime experienced. He will prescribe some gum or patches or spray or even some prescription medication.

Other Methods.
Explore other methods too that have been used and succeeded for many. There is acupuncture and 
hypnosis smoking methods which are well-worth trying.
Remember that it is the results you are after, so stop smoking now and stay stopped. You will find you have so much to enjoy in terms of better health, and a better, longer life.

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